When you sell your domain with, you decide the price, and you keep all the money once your domain is sold.

Simply put:

  • No Sales Commission
  • No Brokerage Fees
  • No Membership Subscription Costs.

At, selling a domain is easy.

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earn more money selling your domains is a domain marketplace without fees or commissions for sellers

Not Just Better, But The Best

At, it's not just our transparency, or the fact that we don't charge any commission for the sale of any domains that makes us different.

Many so-called "domain marketplaces" are in fact simply operating divisions of larger registrars who profit from their size and monopoly within the domain sales and leasing marketspace.

We strongly believe that our independence and impartiality allows us to provide you with a better, much needed alternative for selling your valuable domains.

What You Can Expect By Listing Your Domain

Many sites provide a service aimed at selling your domain, and we know that in order to earn your trust, we need to walk the extra mile, which is why we don't simply list your domain. We protect it through secure Escrow services. Position it, through category relevance and keyword tagging, and promote it, on our site and through your very own Free Parking Page.

  • tools to help you sell your domain
    Tools That Empower And Maximise Sales
    • Personalised Account Dashboard.
    • Intuitive tools that simplify the process of listing and selling your domains. Whether for sale, or lease, for a limited, or extended period of time, we make it easy to securely list, manage, sell, and transfer your domains.
  • smarter ways to sell your web domain
    Intelligent Listing Options
    • Choose up to three (3) different categories where you domain should appear.
    • Use Meta Data, and tag your domain with up to five (5) different searchable keywords to increase the relevancy and interest of your domains with prospective buyers.
    • Appeal to a wider market by choosing to Sell, Lease, or both.
  • increase visibility of your web domain
    Increased Visibility
    • Immediate listing in the Marketplace.
    • Completely searchable through a host of criteria, including domain name, category, and tags.
    • Category inclusion and listing.
  • funnels to help you sell your domain
    Sales Funnels
    • Free Parking Page optimised for search engines to help boost traffic and awareness of your domain.
    • Ability to sell directly through Escrow services or offer users the option to lease and generate passive income from your domain.
sell your web domains for more without commission fees
sign up for a free account
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Verify your details and access your Account Dashboard to begin.

list your domains for sale
List Your Domain

Decide on your asking price and choose the listing option that best suits your needs.
List For Sale if you want to sell.
List For Lease to keep your domain and earn passive income from it.
List For Sale And Lease to appeal to a wider audience.

earn money from your domains
Generate Revenue

When your domain is sold, or leased for the agreed term of lease, your buyers payment is held in escrow during the inspection period, guaranteeing payment without risk of chargeback.

Why Choose

Whether you're looking to sell your domain and reduce your portfolio, or thinking about leasing as a means of generating passive income, at we will help you make the most of your digital assets.

Learn more about our service and the many advantages has over other domain brokerage services. Get started, and list your domain today.

Complete Escrow Service is the world leader in payment services that safeguard both buyer and seller. For this reason, we partner exclusively with to ensure a service that provides complete confidence without the risk of chargebacks, and security for both parties.

Every domain listed for sale with has it's own unique, direct link that is used throughout our site, as well as your Free Parking Page, to ensure that all transactions are performed solely through, and provide you with peace of mind.

Perhaps the single most important point for you, as an owner trying to sell your domain, is that domainAlot does not take any commission from the sale. And since we don't take commission, we don't need to impose restrictions on sellers either, which is why you're also free to list your domain on other marketplaces. In fact, we encourage you to list it not only on, but also on other brokerage and domain platforms to maximise your chances of selling.

In addition to providing a no commission domain brokerage service, domainAlot does not imply any transaction fees to the seller from the sale of their domain. That means the price you choose to list your domain for is the money you receive when you sell your domain. The Escrow transaction fee for the sale and provision of escrow services is covered by the buyer.

The choice is yours. When you list your domain, you can choose to:

  • Sell Only
  • Lease Only
  • Offer your domain for both Sale and Leasing

Once you have have successfully completed the details of your domain listing, your domain will be available for sale, leasing, or both, depending upon your selected preferences.

The best way to explain is by example.

Imagine you opt to list your domain for sale at for $1, 000 USD. In addition to the annual membership fee you must pay in order to be able to list your domain ($4.99 plus taxes), you would lose a further $250 in commission (Standard 25% commission rate), leaving you with less than $745.

Now, consider selling the same domain on, and listing your domain for just thirty (30) days. Your domain listing fee would be just $5 with no commission to pay for sale. Meaning you earn $995 USD. That's $250 USD more in your bank account for selling the same domain at the same price but on instead.

When you consider that a large number of Premium Domains are valued at more than $1, 000 USD, the amount of money you earn on, by not losing it to sale commissions, can quickly grow and multiply to become considerable.

No. We believe in fairness to all. Domain Auctions have a tendency to leave either the buyer or seller disappointed, and more often than not, frustrated. An auction, by definition, attempts to gain the highest possible price for a listed item, and while this can be beneficial for the seller, after auction sale and commission fees have been deducted, the seller is often left with less than he or she would otherwise earn from a straight forward sale. The buyer, having competed in multiple bidding rounds, is left equally frustrated, having now acquired a domain for more than it's actual worth. In fact, the only real winner in a Domain Auction is the provider of the service itself, who gains revenue through a model that offers little to no benefit to either the seller or buyer.

In addition, the majority of actual buyers needing a Premium Domain for their business, startup, or campaign project, are not willing to wait several months for a Domain Auction to complete, and more often than not, select the "Buy it Now" button. By focusing on the needs of the buyer, and maximising the return to the seller, we believe that our domain brokerage model represents a better, fairer option for all.

If you haven't already established an account, you can Sign Up by selecting the Log In button from the top-right corner to create your account and submit your details. Once your account is verified, you may begin to list your domain(s) for sale, lease, or both.

Start Selling Your Domains Now

With annual renewals becoming increasingly expensive, isn't it time to stop spending money on your unused domains?

Sign up now and start turning your domain portfolio into profit.