No. We believe in fairness to all. Domain Auctions have a tendency to leave either the buyer or seller disappointed, and more often than not, frustrated. An auction, by definition, attempts to gain the highest possible price for a listed item, and while this can be beneficial for the seller, after auction sale and commission fees have been deducted, the seller is often left with less than he or she would otherwise earn from a straight forward sale. The buyer, having competed in multiple bidding rounds, is left equally frustrated, having now acquired a domain for more than it's actual worth. In fact, the only real winner in a Domain Auction is the provider of the service itself, who gains revenue through a model that offers little to no benefit to either the seller or buyer.
In addition, the majority of actual buyers needing a Premium Domain for their business, startup, or campaign project, are not willing to wait several months for a Domain Auction to complete, and more often than not, select the "Buy it Now" button. By focusing on the needs of the buyer, and maximising the return to the seller, we believe that our domain brokerage model represents a better, fairer option for all.